Except ye be converted
Matthew 18:3-4 -
Put my laws into their hearts
Hebrews 10:16-17 -
They did fast and pray oft
Helaman 3:35 -
As for me and my house
Joshua 24:15 -
I will make you fishers of men
Matthew 4:18-20 -
Remember my pains no more
Alma 36:18-20 -
with full purpose of heart
2 Nephi 31:13 -
A new heart and a new spirit
Ezekiel 18:30-31 -
When thou art converted
Luke 22:32 -
Can ye look up to God?
Alma 5:19 -
This is a good seed
Alma 32:28 -
Put on the armor of light
Romans 13:12 -
He that doeth my Father's will
Matthew 7:21-23 -
No man can serve two masters
Matthew 6:24