Lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul · Teach them to your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

Benefit #1

Increased Faith in Christ

The purpose of the scriptures is to draw us closer to Jesus Christ. At every interaction, they can point us to the Savior and help us become new creatures in Christ.

Benefit #2

Familiarity & Recollection

Rote memorization is hard, but repeated exposure to a passage of text can help us internalize it, often without even thinking about it. This is especially true for children, whose minds are particularly adept at absorbing what’s around them.

Benefit #3

Comfort, Peace & Hope

When life weighs heavy on us, we can turn to the scriptures to find healing, solace and consolation.  This can happen more readily and frequently if the word of God is continually before us - accessible at a glance.

Benefit #4

Guidance & Direction

We often look to the scriptures for answers to our prayers and our problems.  Having the word of God on our walls increases the opportunities for God to speak to us.

Benefit #5

Conversion & Testimony

The word of God can strengthen our testimony, even in small doses.  This is especially important for our little ones whose faith is just sprouting, and for older children whose faith is being tested.

Benefit #6

Strength & Resilience

In the midst of life's challenges, it can be hard to turn to the scriptures. By putting them around our home, we can make them more accessible, increasing the opportunity to be fortified by them.

Benefit #7

An opportunity to share

We often welcome friends, neighbors, classmates, associates, and sometimes total strangers into our homes.  Displaying scriptures on our walls can provide unexpected opportunities to share the gospel.